Monday, September 22, 2008

To the screamers....

This is dedicated to you, the one screaming "here I am". "Listen to me and tell me I am special". I just recently moved my blog from myspace to blogger and became aware of all of you out there. Last night when I shut my computer, brushed my teeth and then shut my eyes, I could still hear the murmurs coming from my laptop. They are the murmurs of people, like me, not satisfied with their status quo, not recognised by their bosses or spouses for their achievements... So today, I want to say to you, my friend, you are special, you are doing a great job, you are worth so much in this house or company and I want to challenge you to tell someone today the same. Maybe hokey but I think it deserves a pokey...


Sarah Gemba said...

Aw, that was not hokey at all! And welcome to blogger (hugs)

Bluestreak said...

Hello my sweetness. I´m so glad you´re a "real" blogger now and no longer force me to go over to that hell hole myspace anymore.