Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Geriatric Traffic Ring

I usually hit the snooze bar about 3 to 4 times before getting my bones out of the bed. This morning I was dreaming deeply about entering an orthodox Christian church and washing dishes with sand because I didn't have soap. By the time I was awoken, being told, "Shouldn't you be leaving?", it was already 8. I have to be at work between 8:15 and 8:30 and it takes me a good 20 minutes on the bike to get to work. I got up, showered and ran out the door (yeh, I got dressed before running out the door).

This set up of the story is only for you to know that I usually am out of the house 15 minutes earlier than I was today, allowing me to witness what I am about to tell you. The lighting was still crepuscular, perfect for crime. I sped out of the garage and down a street I take as a short cut. The street is lined by a wall that has graffiti, making it a perfect backdrop for criminal activity. About three-fourths of the way down there is a little ally. Usually there is no one in this street but this morning I saw something I think I should not have.

There was a mini bus parked in the dark ally and there were large men unloading a brigade of geriatric q-tips (what the heck can you call these people that is considered politically correct?). One was screaming and he was quieting her down.

I am convinced that this was not an honest dealing. For one, they had the old folk packed in the mini-bus like a bunch of sardines, a bit abusive if I do say so myself. They already have a strange odour of chicken marrow, over boiled soup and asparagus pee which only is intensified when they are put together. Secondly, why were they unloading them in a dark ally if it were not to disorient them? They can't see well as it is. And thirdly, why was the big guy shushing her if not to keep her from drawing the attention of the passing biker?

So I thought immediately that I should contact the families. This could be some type of sick geriatric-traffic ring that is later seen on 20/20 or 60 minutes. Barbara Walters, you're next. I sped down the bike lane, noticing that there were indeed a lower number of old ladies linking arms to block my way. I realised may be it was just this. The families hired the big lugs to take them away. This could make sense...The old bag annoys her daughter in law and no longer can cook potage like she once did. The daughter in law has some extra spending cash and she decides to spend it on elder-disposal; the new treatment that restores your house to the peaceful place it once was.

I suppose they melt them down and make glue out of them or bouillon cubes. Who knows?

Well if you are looking for an elderly person, I have to inform you they may have been taken by the Seville Geriatric Traffic Ring that promises families peace and quiet.

My condolences.

If you are a part of this lethal group, I would like to say your secret is safe here in my blogg. Laurie is my only reader (hi Laurie) and she could care less about Spanish old people.

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